Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog for Mane Photography. It's been a while since I have done much of any kind of blogging, and generally I tend to forget about them because I get so busy with everything else, but I figured this would be a great thing for my photography since I know it helps everyone learn more about me and the things I do!

If you haven't already, make sure you like my facebook fan page! http://www.facebook.com/mane.photo

Hopefully I will stay in touch with this blog, and I will be posting pictures and stories about my new sessions, and even the past ones! So far this year has not been very busy for me, but I really hope to change that, along with get everything set in concrete for my business so it can be "official" instead of just a hobby and only offering free shoots for family and friends!

Photography has been my passion since I was child, and after I graduated high school I began to pursue my career down it! Although it has been slow, I have done numerous photo sessions over the years, some for friends and family while others have been for new people I've met just to get my portfolio going and gain more experience with my work. It is always exciting to meet new people and enjoy the time I get to spend with them while I capture their special moments.

I work with all photography.

As with many photographers, I am always learning new things and trying out new locations and editing styles. I plan to have a studio one day, where I can shoot indoor sessions along with the outdoors. I offer digital sessions, and want to start offering prints when my business is up and running smooth.

There are many times I will offer model calls as I still keep working on my photos, so I can grow my portfolio and advertise to the world the new materials. http://www.facebook.com/mane.photo